
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day One-Win

Yesterday was my first full day with all three kids by myself!

After a normal newborn night of sleep it was time to get up with the "big" kids. That felt a little rough. Point for the kids.

Colt had just been fed and was asleep so I got to eat breakfast with Saffryn and Pierce! Yeah!!! Point for Momma

Got breakfast cleaned up while Colt continued to sleep and the other kids played. Point for Momma

Realized the kids had been playing (aka in my room. Ahh. Little stinkers...hehe. Point for kids

Did two loads of the kid's laundry. Point for Momma

Managed to get us all dressed and outside for a bit of play. Point for Momma

Got to make and eat lunch with S and P. Colt was awake and happy. Point for Momma

Didn't get to clean up lunch until about 2 hours later. Point for the kids

Had to change two dirty diapers, feed Colt and put all 3 kids down for a nap. I did manage to do just that but it was a serious juggling act. Tie!

Spent sometime cleaning my room and lunch during nap time. Boo. Point for kids

All 3 kids actually fell asleep. Yes even Saffryn! I wasn't sure how long it was going to last so I decided to spend some time reading my bible and praying instead of trying to get a cat nap. It was so refreshing. Point for Momma!

Realized I only got one picture today. Darn. Point for the kids

Colt woke up first so i got to have some time with him! Then the other kids started waking up and I got Colt fed and ready for his Dr. Appt. Dan came home to a semi clean house with clothed children (and wife). what a very busy day!

Adding up the points for the day:

Momma: 6
Kids: 5

Momma is the winner! Let's see how the rest of the week stacks up!

Oh here is the picture I got for the day:

-playing with Colt during the kids' naps! Such a sweetie!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Good for you!! Cute post! Hope your weeks (plural) goes smoothly, well as much as it can with three littles:)

  2. This is my everyday but with just two kids. HA! You mean you are suppose to clean up from breakfast and lunch BEFORE the end of the day? HA! I just can't imagine 3, that sounds so scary to me, but I know once you hit your stride it gets easier.
