
Friday, September 7, 2012

15/16 Months

I'm sure you think I have forgotten about my other children with all these posts about Colt. ;)
Well this post is overdue by a month but I just could not find the energy to write this while I was my mind didn't work at all. It is only slightly better! Lol! But if I don't get this written it wont ever get done and I don't want to miss out on recording his life.
So all about Pierce. He is now 16 months old!

He weighs 25 lbs. He wears a size 4 diaper (though I did accidentally buy him size 5's and they were none too big). He wears a size 6 shoe and 18 month clothing, but does fit in some 2t things.

As you can see from these pictures this tag blanket is his "lovey". It goes everywhere with him. Usually not far behind is his pacifier which we call a binky and he calls "deedee". We will be tackling deedee in the very near future, but with a new big change (Colt arriving) we decided to let him keep it for comfort.

His language is really improving! He still mostly oohs and uhs when he his talking. Dan and I are sure he is part monkey! But he actually has started saying several words: please (pronounced pees), Pierce (pee), saffryn(rah rah), momma, daddy, papa, Gigi, Yaya, up, blueberries (boo boo), bird (boo), plane (boo...hahah) and pool (poo). He signs: all done, more, help, eat, water.

His favorite toys are books, balls, trucks/cars, his wagon and water. He loves, loves, loves to read! He is starting to sit through longer books now. At first he was only interested in board books with animals (he knows a ton of animal sounds), but now it is a variety of books. He loves water play and will play in water all day if I let him! He also loves just being outside! He is a busy boy!

The kid is such a great eater! His favorites are fruit, bread, guacamole, chicken nuggets and juice! He has realized he sometimes gets different foods than the rest of us (hard, crunchy foods I don't give him yet. Think raw carrots, chips, etc) and he hates it. He has also decided that he doesn't want to be in a high chair anymore and we have started letting him sit at the table in a booster with us!

He is also a great sleeper! He is usually asleep by 8 and wakes up around 7am. He takes a good 2/3 hour nap in the afternoon! We still rock him to sleep, but are transitioning into rocking him for 10 minutes then putting him down whether he is asleep or not. He is doing great with it. He is a snuggle boy and enjoys rocking!

He loves his sister. He looks up to her and wants to do everything she does. It is so sweet. Saffryn varies between thinking that is awesome and being annoyed by it. Hehe.

He is kind of a mischievous little boy. He loves to explore. He loves to be thrown around and rough house with Daddy. He loves to climb and run. He is all boy! He is loud and passionate. He loves to be loved. He is a blast! We sure love him!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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