
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Uh oh. Looks like we have a little owl in the family...sleeps all day and up all night. But he sure is cute doing it. Yup even the up all night part. Worth every sleepless minute!!!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Colt's Birth Day

He is here!!! Our new baby boy Colt Darren!

Here is the story of his arrival:

I went to the birth care center for our scheduled induction Tuesday morning. We got checked in and the nurse got my iv in the first try...can I get a We started pitocin around 8:15. The morning was pretty slow. The contractions were very manageable and I wasn't making much progress.

Around 11:45 they checked me and I was still a 3 so the resident came and broke my water to help move things along. The contractions got stronger but were still manageable. Dan really helped me get through them by breathing with me and keeping me relaxed. That breathing seems so cheesy but it made a big difference for me!

My nurse checked me at 1:30 and said I was a 5 and 60% effaced. I was happy I was making some progress but of course I wanted to keep making more. Well after a quick trip to the bathroom I started feeling really shaky and queasy. I felt like things were starting to pick up. That is how I felt a couple hours before Saffryn was born. I talked with my nurse about it and she asked me what I wanted to do about pain management. The million dollar question.

Side note- with Pierce I feel like I got the epidural way to early and I regretted it and felt miserable being so numb for so long.

So Dan and I talked about it and decided I was still in control and managing the contractions myself so let's keep going. It was about 1:40 or so at this point and we decided to wait until 2 to see how I was doing.

So 2 comes around and my contractions start feeling a bit unmanageable. I decided to go ahead and get the epidural. So my nurse (who was wonderful by the way!) called the anesthesiologist and started prepping me. The anesthesiologist came in and got me in position. My mom left the room under nurses orders and Dan sat at my side to help me. I know he doesn't like needles so I double check to make sure he will be ok. He assures me he will.

I get the epidural placed...which was no small feat considering how much pain I am in. The worst was over so I thought Dan had made it through. The anesthesiologist starts asking me about my pain and if the epidural has started working. Then I hear a loud thump and the nurses start saying, "Dan. Dan. Wake up." oh no. He has passed out on the floor. I can't see him. I am in significant amount of pain and the nurses are trying to help him.

I ask for my mom and she comes back over. Dan lays on the couch and drinks some juice to recover. I keep getting asked to rate my pain. All I can say, "is it hurts"!!! Well worse than before I got the epidural, better, or the same? hurts. I know what it is supposed to feel like to have a working epidural...and this is NOT it.

Around 2:20 Dan comes back over to me and tries to encourage me to relax and breath through them. I honestly can't. They keep asking me if the epidural is kicking in. Are my legs getting heavy? Are they tingly? No and no. My nurse checks me and I am a 6 and 100% effaced. She calls my doctor to tell her I am getting closer.

All the sudden I feel him drop into my pelvis. I was already moaning through the last few contractions so I started yelling and through the yelling I said, "He is coming!!"

Let's just pause for a minute. Nothing is set up or ready. I went from a 6 to complete in less than 10 minutes. The bed is flat and not ready for delivery. The scale is not out, the stir ups are not out, my Dr. is not here. Nobody is ready for a delivery.

So my nurse hears me scream this and rushes over to me. I am still lying on my side and in so much pain I can't move. She grabs my leg and rolls me to my back. I am still let's just say vocalizing my pain. Then I yell, "I have to push. I'm pushing is that ok." It wasn't so much of a question as a statement. There was nothing I could do. My body had taken over and pushing it was doing.

In one long, continuous push Colt comes out. He comes out so fast no one is able to catch him and he lands on the bed. For about 1 second everyone is shell shocked. I am still lying on my back and am having a hard time seeing him. I start getting worried and asking if he was ok. My mom notices I am worried and tells me he is great! He is crying faintly I can't hear him. I look over at Dan and he is very emotional. What a sweet daddy.

My doctor walks in about this time and my mom sees her and says, "You missed it." she then points to the bed where Colt is lying. What a shock to her, too! LOL!

The nurses get Colt set up and Dan cuts the cord. They hand me the baby. I cant believe he is here!!! I can't believe what an entrance he made! I also can't believe how good I feel. Instant relief. I have never experienced anything like that before. I can't believe I gave birth without an epidural!

Well about 5-10 minutes later my epidural started kicking in. Haha. They had unplugged everything and taken it out but the medicine finally kicked in! So I had to lie in bed for a couple hours while it wore off.

Another side note: after I delivered the nurses noticed there was a knot in the umbilical cord! I think it was from all his flipping around in there, crazy boy! I am so so thankful that he arrived just fine...this pregnancy has been one big adventure from start to finish!

We are thrilled to have little Mr. Colt Darren Mahoney as part of our family!

Just in case this post wasn't long enough here are some pictures!!!

7 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long!

Cutie baby!

Saffryn meeting Colt for the first time! She is still figuring our what she thinks about him.

Baby boy sleeping soundly!

Momma and baby day 2

A little awake time!

Well to wrap it up I feel really good. This recovery has been by far the easiest. Little boy is doing great. He is so far eating and sleeping well. We are hoping to head home this afternoon. Thanks for all the prayers, well wishes, texts, emails, visits, calls and overall support. We feel so loved!

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

39 Weeks

Well here I am 7 days later and baby boy is staying strong. I can hardly believe it!

I had my 39 week check up on Thursday and everything looks fine and healthy. I haven't gained any weight the last several weeks which is a new thing for me. LOL!!! I am measuring a tiny bit small, which again is a new thing for me. She checked me and I have made NO progress from my last appt. We were both surprised by this considering I am having

Side Note---Let's talk about these contractions shall we?!?! Since about last Friday when I had that long stretch of strong contractions I have been having contractions ranging anywhere from 3-25 minutes apart all day (and some nights) long. They are also ranging in intensity. Some are pretty manageable and I am able to ignore them, others are downright painful. They just wont ever get on a 3-5 minute pattern any longer than an hour. SO WEIRD!!!

Anyway back to the appt. She was pretty surprised and doesn't know why my body is being so difficult. She then asked me if we want to talk about inducing next week. I was honestly a little hesitant. Part of me of course just wants to be done, but I know I COULD wait another week or more to see what he does. I felt a little selfish for wanting to say yes. I relayed this information to her and she just said pretty bluntly, "After the last few weeks you have been through with this baby, lets just go ahead and get him out." I felt a huge amount of relief. I swear she always knows exactly what to say to make me feel at ease. So I said, "OKAY. If you feel good about it then I will, too." She smiled and said, "Honestly if I were in your shoes that is what I would do." So we scheduled an induction for Tuesday, August 28th. A few days before my due date!!!!

In other related news I am having the weirdest symptoms with this pregnancy that I did not have with the other ones.

1. I am SO clumsy. I have broken several dishes around the house. I am two seconds from tripping every time I walk around. I have ran into more things and gotten more bruises this pregnancy than I ever have. (which considering how ungraceful I am on a normal basis is saying something)!

2. My brain does not work. Like at all. I have heard about people have "pregnancy brain" but this is the first time I have full fledged experienced it. There are lots of times when my mind is a complete blank. There have been times when Dan and I were having a serious or thoughtful conversation and he will ask me to elaborate on an opinion and I just sit there dumbfounded. I literally cannot think of anything. HAHAH!

3. I have had some serious dreams with this pregnancy. They have been REALLY vivid. For several weeks they were all scary dreams. The last week though I have had a dream about labor every single night only to wake up still pregnant. LOL.

4. I have had hardly no heartburn or back pain. This is not a complaint more like a wooo! With Pierce I had bad both so this has been a very welcomed change :)

Saffryn wanted to give baby brother some stickers...HA!
Also I just really want to thank my AH-MAH-ZING mother-in-law Karen for all her help this last week. She has dropped literally EVERYTHING to be available to me and the kids. She made dinner for us every night this last week. She watched the kids for me, she took us to the zoo, she took us swimming. She has been such a huge help keeping my mind off of the waiting! She has been so encouraging and of course gave my kids the extra love and attention that I cannot seem to give them right now. What would I do without her???? Everyone should get themselves a Gigi :) Thanks for blessing us so much!

 In other other news, my mom got into town yesterday and we are all loving her here (even Crash who sneaks down to sleep with her...hehe.)!!!!

In just a few short days baby boy Mahoney will be here!!! STAY TUNED!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Slow Down

So I have to be honest. I have had a REALLY hard time being content these last few days. I keep having false labor contractions that have put me in a sour mood. Please feel bad for my little family...they have had to deal with me! So today after some prayer and reflection I decided I need to snap out of it and try to be content even in the false labor stages. So here are a few pictures I have taken the last few days that I didn't bother to blog about.

Yesterday while having some contractions I decided to power walk to Sonic which is maybe 1 mile or so from our house to try and get them even stronger. Well that obviously didn't work. LOL. But while we were there I did get to see 2 cute kids enjoying their ice cream cones and getting completely and totally messy :)

The last several days Saffryn has been so enamored with Crash. Even more so than usual. They have been running around together, dancing together (or so she says) and eating together. She decided they needed to share bunnies, too. So she kept trying to give him back up bunny. Yes that is his name...back up bunny. Well Crash being a good dog wouldn't take the bunny, he knows that is not his toy. So Saffryn got creative and found a way for him to have it!

What a good dog!!!

Pierce is now at the stage that he wants to do EVERYTHING we are doing. Of course that can be tough because somethings he is just not capable of. But at breakfast one morning I decided to try and give him a chance to do what we were doing...eating cereal with milk! He did GREAT. It was a bit messy but he really got a lot in his mouth. BIG BOY!

How spoiled am I to have such good kids. If only I could always remember that. Sorry I have been snappy sweet babies. I sure do love you!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

What A Week

I am currently 38 weeks pregnant!!! The last 7 days have been a serious emotional rollar coaster. Let me give you a brief update!

Friday Aug 10th-Had my 37 week OB appointment. Found out little boy was still breech and setup an aversion for Tuesday Aug 14th.

Tuesday Aug 14th- Went to the hospital only to find out he had turned on his own! I NEVER even felt it or knew he had turned. Read the whole story here!!!

Wednesday Aug 15th-Around 4:30 pm I started having some pretty strong contractions that came every 4-5 minutes. After several hours of them staying and feeling pretty strong we decide to head to the birth care center. I felt really sick to my stomach and really thought this was the real deal. Dropped the kids of with my in-laws and some friends picked up Crash for us. Got checked in and they checked to see what I was dilated at. And I was dilated to a...wait for it....1. And the contractions basically stop. After an hour of no progress we get sent home.

Friday Aug 17th-Around 10:30 am I have my 38 week OB appointment. The doctor checked me and I have dilated to a 3!!! The head is definetely down and low in my pelvis. Phew!!! She said she wouldn't be surprised if he made his appearance this weekend because I had made such a huge change in just a day!

Friday Aug 17th-Around 3pm I start having contractions about 5 min apart. They are fairly strong but I knew they needed to get stronger. Dan came home and we took the kids on a long walk. The contractions started coming every 3-5 min and started getting stronger. We feed the kids, pack up the car and decide to just go for one more walk. I did NOT want a repeat of Wednesday night. Well about 8:45 my contractions start to slow down. By 9pm they were basically gone. I put the kids to bed and basically went to bed myself. I was very discouraged and tired.

That brings us to today! I woke up bright and early at 4:45 and could not go back to sleep. I have had a few contractions here and there but nothing steady yet.

This boy is T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!!!

I think I am going to have my hands full with this one. Well I just keep reminding myself that he will have a birthday one way or another. LOL.

Here I am at 38 weeks! It was a cool rainy morning today so I opted for long sleeves and a scarf! My friend actually made this scarf for me! She is super talented. Check out her blog here !

Well now we are playing waiting game. I have the car packed still. My house is basically clean. I am giong to finish some laundry and maybe vaccuum the livingroom. Otherwise I am just going to hang out and see when this little guy decides to come!

Lets cross our fingers for soon. :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

External Aversion

First I just want to say I have gotten SO many texts, calls and messages from people who were praying for us. Thank you so so much. We so appreciate all of your support.

So today I was scheduled for the aversion at 7 am. My mother in law (aka Gigi) came over to watch the kids around 6:15! What a saint!!! We got to the hospital a little before 7 and got checked in. I got changed into a lovely hospital gown and then the nurses started getting me prepped. As usual my veins were difficult and it took almost an hour to get my iv in. Silly veins. They got my other vitals and then gave me a shot (I can't remember the name of it) to relax my uterus.

My doctor then came in with a sono machine and put it on my belly. And you know what....he was head down!!! I never even felt him turn. So after a few happy moments the doctor left and said she would see me Friday at my next appointment, unless I go into labor before that. The nurse watched me and baby for another 15 minutes or so and then released me!!!

Side note the medicine they gave me relaxed my uterus, but makes my heart rate increase. I am super jittery and geared up. I am slowly starting to feel drowsy so maybe I am coming off of it. Gigi took the kids for the rest of the morning so I could get some sleep. Isn't she GREAT!!!

Anyway everything looks good. We just now wait for him to come on his own and hope he doesn't decide to turn back!

Again thank you for all the praying. I do not think it is a coincidence that we were surrounded by prayer and then had this happen. God does not always answer prayers the way we think they should be. But sometimes he does just that. Dan and I are humbled and completely blown away by God's goodness! Thank you all for being a part of it!

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

37 Weeks

I made it to 37 weeks! Woo! Baby is full term! Makes a momma happy! Had my dr appt yesterday and I have still not dilated (which will hopefully mean he will stay put a bit longer). He is still breech. But otherwise everything is looking good. My doctor took time to answer more of my questions and has really put me at ease about everything. She is so great! We have scheduled the aversion for Tuesday morning! Here is a picture of my 37th week.

Sorry about the shadows on my face, not the best lighting. I love that you can see Pierce begging to be picked up. Welcome to having 3 under 3. Lol! Until next time...

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Monday, August 6, 2012

36 Weeks

Caution.....This may be a long post....

Here I am at 36 weeks!

Well on Friday I had my 36th week appointment. I was so eager for this one because I was going to see if I am making any progress towards labor. My Dr checked my and...I had not dilated at all. Not even a little bit. We were both really surprised by this. I have been having some strong contractions and this time with Pierce I was already to a 2 and probably 60% effaced.

So my Dr did a quick sonogram to make sure everything was looking okay. Low and behold sweet baby boy is breech! That explains it! I guess he just wants to stand apart from his brother and!

Well after talking it through with my Dr we have come up with a basic game plan:

This Friday I will have my 37 week appointment. It will just be a basic checkup (weight, blood pressure, protein in urine check). Then the week after we are going to try and do an external aversion. My doctor has done several of these and feels good about trying it. I of course started asking about all the risks and if we should do this. She said she has gotten good success with moms who have already had a baby or two (things just aren't as tight, which makes manipulating much easier). Also she looks at the fluid and the more the better. I have plenty. Also she takes into account the baby's position and how easy it would be to turn them. My baby is kind of a c position with his head near my belly button. So she is going to try and just have him front flip into my pelvis (awesome! If his dad wasn't 6'5" I would say this may be a good start to a promising gymnastics career...hehe). So that is the basic plan. Now there are several scenarios that can be played out in the next few weeks.

Scenario 1:
I go into labor before my aversion appointment. If that happens I go to the hospital and have a c-section.

Scenario 2:
I make it to my aversion appointment but during or after the turning (I will be at the hospital for several hours after she tries to turn him being monitored VERY closely) the baby shows any signs of distress we do a c-section right then and there.

Scenario 3:
I make it to the aversion and the baby is stubborn and doesn't turn and shows no signs of distress we will then schedule a c-section for 39 weeks. That would be Monday, August 27th.

Scenario 4:
The aversion is a success! We will wait a few weeks to see if he comes on his own. If not we schedule an induction and I have a vaginal delivery. The chances of him turning on his own at this point are very low.

Phew! am I feeling about all of this? I am doing okay. I like that we have plans and back-up plans. I like the idea of giving the aversion a try because I have so enjoyed my vaginal deliveries (I know call me crazy). It is important to me that we at least try. My doctor feels the exact same way so I am glad we are on the same page. After talking with her I feel the risks are low and I will be monitored closely. She said she has only had one baby get distressed and had to preform an emergency c-section. That makes me feel a ton better!

I was jokingly saying after this I was now praying NOT to go into labor for the first time ever! But after a few days of actual prayer I realize I am not actually praying for that. I am praying for the baby's health and safety. I am also praying for my ability to trust God with the outcome.

My usual first reaction when I get news that does not fit into my ideal plans is I start getting very anxious. I feel out of control. I google day and night trying to find a way to get it back into my control. When I realize it is for sure out of my hands I become fearful and sometimes bitter.

I do NOT want to do that. Last week I was reading though Psalms and I came to psalm 112:7 "He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord."

That is exactly what I want my heart to look like. So I am praying for that (along with the health and safety of the baby). I know this doesn't constitute really bad news. But maybe if I can trust God in the semi bad news I can trust him all the days of my life. The truth is this is out of my hands but it is not out of control. God is still in control and he is so good.

So I am taking it one day at a time. Some days certainly feel longer than others...haha!

So now we wait and see which scenario gets played out in these next weeks!

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Slow Down

While cleaning up after lunch I noticed it was too quiet. Uh oh. I came to the living room see the damage and walked up to this...could NOT be sweeter. I love that they are such good buddies now. What a great moment!