
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Slow Down

So I have to be honest. I have had a REALLY hard time being content these last few days. I keep having false labor contractions that have put me in a sour mood. Please feel bad for my little family...they have had to deal with me! So today after some prayer and reflection I decided I need to snap out of it and try to be content even in the false labor stages. So here are a few pictures I have taken the last few days that I didn't bother to blog about.

Yesterday while having some contractions I decided to power walk to Sonic which is maybe 1 mile or so from our house to try and get them even stronger. Well that obviously didn't work. LOL. But while we were there I did get to see 2 cute kids enjoying their ice cream cones and getting completely and totally messy :)

The last several days Saffryn has been so enamored with Crash. Even more so than usual. They have been running around together, dancing together (or so she says) and eating together. She decided they needed to share bunnies, too. So she kept trying to give him back up bunny. Yes that is his name...back up bunny. Well Crash being a good dog wouldn't take the bunny, he knows that is not his toy. So Saffryn got creative and found a way for him to have it!

What a good dog!!!

Pierce is now at the stage that he wants to do EVERYTHING we are doing. Of course that can be tough because somethings he is just not capable of. But at breakfast one morning I decided to try and give him a chance to do what we were doing...eating cereal with milk! He did GREAT. It was a bit messy but he really got a lot in his mouth. BIG BOY!

How spoiled am I to have such good kids. If only I could always remember that. Sorry I have been snappy sweet babies. I sure do love you!

1 comment:

  1. You are an awesome mommy! I love how you just let your kids be kids, messy and creative :) You are a role model for the rest of us!!
