
Monday, August 6, 2012

36 Weeks

Caution.....This may be a long post....

Here I am at 36 weeks!

Well on Friday I had my 36th week appointment. I was so eager for this one because I was going to see if I am making any progress towards labor. My Dr checked my and...I had not dilated at all. Not even a little bit. We were both really surprised by this. I have been having some strong contractions and this time with Pierce I was already to a 2 and probably 60% effaced.

So my Dr did a quick sonogram to make sure everything was looking okay. Low and behold sweet baby boy is breech! That explains it! I guess he just wants to stand apart from his brother and!

Well after talking it through with my Dr we have come up with a basic game plan:

This Friday I will have my 37 week appointment. It will just be a basic checkup (weight, blood pressure, protein in urine check). Then the week after we are going to try and do an external aversion. My doctor has done several of these and feels good about trying it. I of course started asking about all the risks and if we should do this. She said she has gotten good success with moms who have already had a baby or two (things just aren't as tight, which makes manipulating much easier). Also she looks at the fluid and the more the better. I have plenty. Also she takes into account the baby's position and how easy it would be to turn them. My baby is kind of a c position with his head near my belly button. So she is going to try and just have him front flip into my pelvis (awesome! If his dad wasn't 6'5" I would say this may be a good start to a promising gymnastics career...hehe). So that is the basic plan. Now there are several scenarios that can be played out in the next few weeks.

Scenario 1:
I go into labor before my aversion appointment. If that happens I go to the hospital and have a c-section.

Scenario 2:
I make it to my aversion appointment but during or after the turning (I will be at the hospital for several hours after she tries to turn him being monitored VERY closely) the baby shows any signs of distress we do a c-section right then and there.

Scenario 3:
I make it to the aversion and the baby is stubborn and doesn't turn and shows no signs of distress we will then schedule a c-section for 39 weeks. That would be Monday, August 27th.

Scenario 4:
The aversion is a success! We will wait a few weeks to see if he comes on his own. If not we schedule an induction and I have a vaginal delivery. The chances of him turning on his own at this point are very low.

Phew! am I feeling about all of this? I am doing okay. I like that we have plans and back-up plans. I like the idea of giving the aversion a try because I have so enjoyed my vaginal deliveries (I know call me crazy). It is important to me that we at least try. My doctor feels the exact same way so I am glad we are on the same page. After talking with her I feel the risks are low and I will be monitored closely. She said she has only had one baby get distressed and had to preform an emergency c-section. That makes me feel a ton better!

I was jokingly saying after this I was now praying NOT to go into labor for the first time ever! But after a few days of actual prayer I realize I am not actually praying for that. I am praying for the baby's health and safety. I am also praying for my ability to trust God with the outcome.

My usual first reaction when I get news that does not fit into my ideal plans is I start getting very anxious. I feel out of control. I google day and night trying to find a way to get it back into my control. When I realize it is for sure out of my hands I become fearful and sometimes bitter.

I do NOT want to do that. Last week I was reading though Psalms and I came to psalm 112:7 "He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord."

That is exactly what I want my heart to look like. So I am praying for that (along with the health and safety of the baby). I know this doesn't constitute really bad news. But maybe if I can trust God in the semi bad news I can trust him all the days of my life. The truth is this is out of my hands but it is not out of control. God is still in control and he is so good.

So I am taking it one day at a time. Some days certainly feel longer than others...haha!

So now we wait and see which scenario gets played out in these next weeks!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I love your outlook on all of this! You're such a strong woman and I know you'll be able to handle which ever scenario plays out. And which ever one it is, it will be just fine! Can't wait to see that precious baby boy and I literally laughed out loud at the "if his dad wasn't 6'5" I'd say this may be a good start to a promising gymnastics career"! Love it!

  2. Love ya girly!! Praying for you and that little mister to stay put!! I hope you get a vaginal delivery and he is healthy and safe!! HUGS!!
