
Friday, December 9, 2011

I Should Have Known

This is one of those, "What was I thinking moments?. I should have known better."

We finally got our Christmas tree and decorations up in our house. We also have a few gifts from my grandparents and I thought I would put them under our tree. Saffryn watched me and we had a long discussion about not touching the presents.

After her quiet time I was trying to get ready for the day (Yes I sometimes get ready for the day in the afternoon, judge if you must). Pierce was still asleep so I thought it would be a good time. Saffryn watched me for a bit then ran off to her room to get something. I didn't think much of it...until she didn't come back. So I went looking for her and found her. She was surrounded by presents and wrapping paper. She had opened every one of them. I. Should. Have. Known.

After a tiny scolding (well she does need to learn to obey) and a few tears we went back to my room so I could finish getting ready. She runs off again and promptly returns with a new outfit she had unwrapped. "It Is SO cute." She says while holding it up. I try and keep a straight face and tell her to put it back under the tree where it belongs.

So once again she runs off, but doesn't return. So I once again go out to find her. And I find her in the living room with her clothes off and in the middle of putting her new outfit on. HaHaHa!

All I have to say is I should have known better! I seemed to forget that she was 2...and 2 year olds are not exactly known for their self-control!!!

So a word to the wiser than me: keep your Christmas gifts put away until you are ready for them to be opened. Otherwise your 2 year old will unwrap your present, the dog's present and anything else they can get their cute stubby fingers on!!!!

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