
Friday, December 9, 2011

6 months

I am a little behind on this. My little boy is now 7 months old!!! These last 2 months have been filled with milestones!

Weight: 20lbs 1oz (85%)
Height: 28.5 inches (95%)
Wearing: 12m clothes, size 3 diapers

Solid foods:
This has actually kind of been a dud. We have tried rice cereal, bananas and have started oatmeal. He is really not that interested. I can barely get him to eat a tablespoon. SO different from Saffryn who would eat bowl after bowl. He hates the texture of it, even if it is basically liquid. The weird thing is he seems so interested when we are eating...LOL. Oh who knows!!

Such a big boy!!! He is crawling everywhere. I thought he would love this new sense of independence but he is even more clingy if that was even possible. He now just crawls to me and follows me around. It is really sweet most of the time! He has a serious case of "momma's boy"!

Pulling Up:
He is able to pull of on some lower items and get to his knees with higher things. He is SO strong!!!

We are on day 6 or 7 of him sleeping through the night! Yippee!!! He has been so weird about sleeping. He was a really good sleeper the first few months of his life. Then he started getting weird and waking up a lot. Then he had this weird period of complete inconsistency. We would literally not have any two nights the same. He would sleep all the way through the night one night only to have him wake up 3 times the next night. But I think we have finally figured it out. I still rock him to sleep at night...I am just not ready to give that up yet. Call me crazy!

He has started making some babbling noises! It is so crazy and makes him seem like such a big boy. He can now respond to his name. How cool!!! He laughs so much. He is really starting to understand things around him. We have started doing sign language with him. We shall see when he picks it up on his own....probably a few months from now! He will respond to "No" when I say it (usually when changing his wiggly butt) he actually sits still for a minute.

He is such a sweet and sensitive boy. I have been wondering if he is teething because he has been extra clingy and semi-cranky...but no teeth have popped up yet. I hate to admit it, but I think you do treat the second child differently than the first. I hold him all the time, I rock him to sleep still, I have not made him "cry it out" like I did with Saffryn. It is not because I love him more, I love both of my children with all I have. It is that I now see how fast it goes. I see how insignificant these little things are now. I was SO worried about creating bad habits with Saffryn. I wish I would have held her more and just relaxed more with her. The good news is she is doing just fine and I get to hug her and give her lots of kisses now! But it has changed my parenting and I am just trying to soak up as much as possible with Pierce because I only get this first year once and it goes by so fast (could explain the clingy momma's boy thing I have going on here...hahahahaha). Oh well I love him. He is my little boy. ALWAYS will be my little boy!


  1. is he really 7 months?! he is growing so fast and is too stinkin' cute.

  2. ps- so glad talked about CIO... it is too hard! i cant do it and she wakes up at LEAST 3 times a night! so im right there with ya :)

  3. What a big boy! Cannot believe he's already 7 months.
