
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Matching Shirts

I was SO excited when Saffryn got a birthday package with MATCHING SHIRTS for her and Pierce! My grandmother from Utah got them! They are awesome.

And yes I made them wear the shirts on the same day

And yes I made them sit still for pictures they didn't care about

Because that's the kind of mom I am!

Thanks for the goodies Grandma!!! Don't they just look adorable!
The shirt says Hot in Cleveland Utah...woop woop! Love it!


  1. I love it! My mom used to dress us alike, but in different colors too!

  2. So glad they fit they look wonderful just like I knew they would!!! Thank you for taking their pictures so I could see!!!!Love You

  3. Love these pics Ty, what beautiful children in shirts from the greatest place in the world :)
