
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Can I just tell you how awesome my kids are?!?! I am SO proud of them!!! Today the BOTH had Dr. apts (Saffryn's 2 year and Pierce's 6mnth). They both had to get their shots and they were such troopers! Saffryn hardley shed a tear...such a big girl! Dan and I were so proud of how brave she was! Pierce was such a smiley boy and only cried for a few minutes after his shots!

After the apt I needed to get the oil changed for our trip in a few days so we went and got special drinks from starbucks (she got a strawberries'n'cream frap) and went to the shop. I wasn't sure how they would do. But they did GREAT! Not one tear between the two of them! In fact the mechanics commented on how well behaved they were!

I am so proud of them. They are such special people. They fill my heart with such joy! So thankful for their sweer lives. Thanks for being such great kids. I am so so so proud of you two!

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