
Friday, October 14, 2011


So let me tell you a little bit about my morning....

Saffryn was playing quietly in her room. I was not too concerned because yesterday she was doing this and I ran in to see what she was getting into and she was doing a puzzle by herself. So today I didn't worry about it and was just playing with Pierce in the living room.

In walks Saffryn with this weird looking goo on her face and an empty fish flake can....uh oh.

I rush into her room and find that she has dumped THE WHOLE container of fish food on her carpet. And if that isn't bad enough I think she must have been eating it since there was sticky fish food goo on her face and hands. Ok NASTY. I thought it was out of her reach...guess not.

I think if I had been pregnant I would have thrown up was SO smelly. Fishy fishy fishy....

So while I was cleaning that up I hear her in the living room...I go in and she is in and eating the dog food...

You have GOT to be kidding me.

So then I clean that all up and think maybe she's hungry.

I get her some crackers and she proceeds to feed it to the dog.

Then she falls off her chair...

Ugh. I give up!