
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


One of Saffryn's new favorite things are school buses. There is one that picks up/ drops off kids right outside our door (we live on the corner). She LOVES watching it come and go. When we are in the car she is always looking for school buses and hoping to find one! She is an excellent spotter and always finds them!!!!

So the next logical question is...where does the school bus go with the kids? So I explained that it takes the kids to school, where they learn and play.

Next came the DREADED topic (at least to me)..."Saffryn go to school?"

Before I go further I must admit that I cried on the first day of school this year...just thinking about sending my kids off all day is too much for me to handle...I crazy is starting to show.

Anyway...I say, "When you are a little bit older you will go to school."

She thinks for a minute and says, "Pierce go to school."

--It isn't enough for you to be going, you have to bring Pierce into this,

I say, "Yup, when he is older he will go to school."

Then she thinks for a minute and says, "Momma go to school?"

I say, "School isn't for Momma's, it's only for kids."

Saffryn says, "I don't like that."

PHEW!!!!! Guess I am off the hook for a little longer...teehee!
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  1. What a smart, funny girl! I'm refusing to think about our kids going to school. Absolutely refusing.

    Ever considered homeschooling?

  2. I love that she wanted you to go to school with her. :)
