
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Go Wildcats

Its that time season! We love going to the K-State football games. We have had season tickets for the last 3 years and we have loved having them every year. This year I was a little nervous about taking two children to the of which is a very busy toddler. We have talked about the games for a few months before hand hoping that would help her be interested in the games when we took her this season.(I think it helped a ton). We had been reading the book, "Hello Willie." She loves it!!!! Dan has been teaching her all the songs, too. The fight song, Alma mater and the wabash cannonball. I am so glad we did because she loved getting to see and hear them all in person.

The cutest shoes ever!!!! Thanks to our friends Rainer and Jessie for them :)

Daddy and Saffryn getting ready to leave for the game!

Our cutie baby wildcat!!!

So here is kind of how the day went...we drove up at naptime in hopes that both children would fall asleep...and they did! Woop...great start so far. As soon as we drove past the stadium and saw all the people she got so excited. She kept saying, "look at all the people!!!" it was so cute.

Then we parked the car and walked to our friends tailgating. Saffryn was so funny...she sat by the food table and just ate the whole time..hahah! There was even other kids there to play with, but I guess food wins out. Hahah! 

Momma and sweet baby boy!
Look who we got to see while we were there.....


Sweet Terri! Love her :)

After the tailgate we walked up to the stadium and Saffryn was wide eyed and just soaked it all in. We sat down in our seats and not too much longer the band start playing and getting ready for the players to come out.

Daddy and Saffryn at the stadium!

Momma and baby.

I thought this was kind of a cool picture!

Teehee look at those chubby cheeks!

Such a cute picture!!!

She loved clapping to the songs!

Our family.

Both so enthralled with the game.
Saffryn absolutely loved the game. She looked around for Willie a lot. I mean A LOT  A LOT..hehe. She really loved the songs and clapping along to them. She kept saying, "Go wildcats." It was so cute. She enjoyed some funnel cake with her daddy and watching the players, "fall down and bonky their head." hahaha! I just love her. Baby Pierce did great, too! When it got loud he would suck on his little binky all wide eyed. He finally fell asleep, but the poor baby kept getting woken up when the crowd would cheer.

Wide sweet

So cute! Thanks to Jessie for holding him for a while :)
We even got to see some friends at half time. Saffryn really enjoyed getting to see her newest friend Laney. I loved getting to spend some time with her mother! We made it to the 4th quarter and it was after 8pm and the kids were slowly starting to lose steam. They were honestly doing ok, but Dan and I didnt' want to push it too far. So we decided to leave...and Saffryn was MAD. She kept saying, "football game, football game." It pretty much made her daddy's month.  Such great little fans we have. It was such a fun day...glad I brought them even though I was nervous about it.

Saffryn still talks about "k-state football games" and "willie". She does the wabash with her daddy and loves to read her book, "hello willie". I think more games will be in our future....K-S-U wildcats....WOOOO!

Hey all four of us are generally looking at the!


  1. FUN!!!!!!! So jealous you get to go:( Love this blog!! and those were super cool pics you took!!

  2. Yay! I love the pictures and am so glad Saffryn liked the game. Go Cats!
