
Sunday, October 2, 2011


It all started with a lonely nesting cup that Saffryn filled with water:

Then she got this idea in her head that she needed a spoon. So she went to the kitchen and pulled one out. She came back and got drinks from her spoon. Then she thought she needed another one...and another...

She lined her spoons up and took turns sipping water out of it. Then she took it up a notch...we added a few more nesting cups. She practiced dumping and filling. Then she thought those spoons weren't enough. So she went and got her stool and got more utensils.

And here was the end result:

She lined them all up like that!!!

Look at her exploring. This was so fun for me to see!!! The whole thing unfolded from her ideas and initiative. She was having fun and learning so many things! There was so much early math and science going on! Dumping and filling as well as using different sizes of spoons help her with spatial reasoning (not to mention eye hand coordination). Sorting and classifying (did you notice she sorted the metal spoons from the plastic tip spoons???) is a great math and science skill. She used problem solving to get into the drawer and pick out what she wanted to use. She practiced her colors with the spoons and cups. We counted the different cups, spoons and measuring cup. It was SO fun for both of us!!!

Did she make a mess...yup! But it was just water, and I had her get a towel and clean up what got spilled! (Woop woop for self help skills :) ) I am just so proud of her and love watching her explore. I love getting to be her teacher!!!!!

Look at this cutie! Who wouldn't love being her teacher????

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