
Monday, September 19, 2011

My Favs

Here are some of my favorite pics from our vacation!!!!!! OOOPS...after I downloaded them I realized there are quite a few. Sorry. ;)

Such a happy boy!

Yaya and Papa Steve with the kiddos!


With my love.

This is my mom's Dad...Grandpa Gregersen. I think Pierce looks most like him :)

Getting attention from his Great Grandparents...and loving every minute of it!

So pooped!

My Dad's Mom...Grandma McFarlane :)

So doting!

Peyton was such a trooper and played ring-around-the-rosies...about 100 times...maybe more!

Papa Steve, Mom and my Aunt Nome

Naptime for my boys

Sweet Peyton and Baby Pierce

Bryce my baby whisperer and Pierce

Love this picture..even P's huge belly hanging out..haha!


My Aunt Molly holding little Pierce

Grandma playing with Saffy

On our way back to Colorado

Love the scenery!

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