
Monday, September 19, 2011

Melts My Heart

I have to interrupt my vacation blogging to share this story!

Last night we dropped the kids off at our church nursery so we could go to our church small group. When we came to pick up the kids one of the workers said, "Saffryn makes me smile." So naturally Dan and I wanted to know what she did.

From the worker: "Well I walked by Saffryn to take another little girl to her mommy during pick-up. Saffryn started to get a little upset. Then I heard her say, 'mommy pick me up soon.' Then she stopped crying and went back to go play."

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That seriously melts my heart. I am so glad she feels confident that we will come for her. I am also amazed that she is self soothing by self talking.

I love that the workers there tell me these stories about her. It is fun for me to hear what she does when I am not around. I am so proud of her. She is the sweetest!!!!!

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  1. I am amazed at how smart Saffryn is! You're a great teacher Tylie.

  2. How stinkin' cute! I agree with Terri; you're a great teacher!
