
Monday, August 22, 2016

Family Vacation Part 1

We went on a big family vacation this summer! My dad got married in Las Vegas so our whole family made our way there! Before we got there we made a stop in Colorado to see my mom!
The big kids were with my mom already so Dan and I and the two little boys hit the road! We had a great drive until about thirty minutes from my moms house. She texted me and told me it was hailing and we needed to take cover. It was clear where we were so we kept going. All of a sudden we started hearing plinks and these huge pieces of hail hit the car. We turned around and hightailed it out of there managing to find a gas station to wait it out. Finally we made it to my moms house. Her poor house was destroyed by the hail. 
If we would have gotten there an hour sooner our car windows would have be smashed. Crazy!

The next day we went to a small amusement park called The North Pole. It's a Christmas themed park. It's so fun and cute. We had a great time. 
Max driving his little car! So cute!!!
All three big kids went on this zip line ride! They had a blast!

I forgot to get more pictures because I was too busy riding rides. We had a great weekend and loved our first stop!

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