
Thursday, June 23, 2016

From Head to Toe

My dearest Max,

I love you from the top of your golden hair. It sometimes still has hints of red in it and can be so unruly 
To your baby blue eyes
I love you from your tiny nose sprinkled with freckles
To your mouth that can be so sweet and charming
And yet throw some epic tantrums
I love you from your body that still loves to be held
To your tiny hands that are always busy building your favorite thing, "rocket boosters"
And has the most adorable little freckle

I love you from your tummy that now sports a faint scar. A scar that nearly broke my heart into a thousand pieces
Down to your tiny feet. Feet that are so eager to catch up to the big kids. Feet that never miss an opportunity to jump, run and climb
And yet still so tiny. 

Max I love how you live up to your name. I love how much passion and fire you have. I love how you never settle. I love you from the top of your head down to your littlest toe! 

You my dear are one of a kind. 



  1. awe! This is a beautiful post! I LOVE how you LOVE your kids! You inspire me and I LOVE you!! He is so precious!!

    1. Thank you friend! I plan to do a post for each kid! I love having these to look back and remember these small things that I always seem to forget (no matter how hard I try not to!)! I love you!!!
