
Saturday, October 3, 2015

A few pictures

Want a jumble of pictures? Ok great. You got it. 
Colt rocking his special Mikey. It's so funny that he loves Ninja Turtles because he hasn't watched it. I let them watch half an episode once and it was too scary for Colt so we turned it off and haven't watched it since. But he has this idea in his head about how great they are and Mikey is his favorite. I am baffled! Lol!!!

Over our Labor Day trip we rented these bike trailers. The kids loved it. Dan and I loved riding with them. Why haven't we done this before? 

Max fell asleep while riding the train at the Tulsa Zoo. Such a sweetie. 

Gigi is such a great book reader. 

Colt's outfit of choice. 

Max's shoe fell off during lunch and he took it upon himself to try and put it back on. Haha b

Pierce and Colt tore all the blankets off of my bed one evening when I was making dinner. Before they could come and eat they had to make the bed. Dan and I were so charmed by the end result. They really did well!

I went for a run and came back to these sweet faces looking at me. 

Pierce fell and skinned his knee. Saffryn really wanted to take care of it. 

We had our first morning in the 60's and Saffryn walked outside and freaked out about how chilly it was. Run upstairs and came back wearing this. Dramatic much?

We had a rough day. Lots of tears, frustrations and screaming. I knew she was exhausted so I lied down with her and rubbed her back. I told her to close her eyes and through lots of tears she says, "but if I close my eyes I will fall asleep!" She finally closed her eyes and got a little rest. 

Anyway a few weeks worth of pictures. Hope you enjoyed :)

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