
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rest of the vacation

We are home from our first kid free vacation. I know I keep saying that. But KID FREE VACATION!!! I have not been good about getting breaks from the kids, even small ones, so this is a big deal for me. And it was so very enjoyable. Not because I don't love my kids but because right now they take a lot. We are constantly serving them so to get a break from serving and just get to be husband and wife was so very needed and just down right fun! I kept thinking this trip was like our honeymoon...except I appreciated it so much more! 

First I need to give a huge thanks to my mom and her friend for coming out to watch the kids. I knew they were well cared for and that helped put my mind at ease and relax. They made the 12 hour drive to my house and sacrificed a weekend of their time to take care of my crazy. THANK YOU!!! It would not have been possible without you guys!

So you probably saw my first quick post while we were there. So let me finish up the weekend. After we rode the coaster we went to a fancy French restaurant. We literally had a five course meal. I cannot remember the last time we have done that. It was so tasty and fun to go somewhere fancy. After dinner we decided to get "after dinner drinks". I had my first brandy. 
It was very strong! But towards the end I enjoyed it. It was an apple brandy. 

After dinner we decided to try slots. We have never gambled before and honestly couldn't get into it. I think in a way we were we won't have to budget any fun money towards that! Haha. 

Then we went and saw Blue Man Group. It was so fun!!! Honestly I can't even describe it fully. It is funny and weird and amazing. It is a must see!
Dan in front of some wall decoration. 

After that we were exhausted and went to bed! We felt like old people because we were going to bed while everyone else was still going full steam! It was nuts!
When we got to our room this was waiting for us:
Was that not the most thoughtful surprise. Thank you Brian and Becca!!! That made our night!!!

On Friday we slept in (yay!!!) and then decided to go for a run along the strip. 
A gross and sweaty picture to prove it. Lol! It was so nice to just go for a run and not worry about childcare! Oh the little things!

Then we walked around the strip, ate lunch and spent the afternoon at the pool! Then we got ready for dinner. 
One of my new dresses. 
Enjoying a cocktail in our hotel before walking over to dinner in another hotel. 
After dinner we went to the minus five degree bar. It was a little pricey to get in but it was so FUN!!! The glasses are made out of ice. We drank out of ice goblets!!!! We had a blast! After this we went to go see LOVE by Cirque Du Soleil. 
One of the performers walking around before the show. This show was also amazing. It is completely all Beatles music and it sounds amazing. I totally over thought it while watching and was expecting there to be a story line so I kept trying to "figure" it out. About halfway through or maybe more I realized they really just went one song at a time and tried to capture the song. I for sure want to go back again and just enjoy each song and I think it will be so amazing!!! 

After the show I decided to try the Beatles night club. It was a disappointment. There was nothing. NOTHING Beatles about it. It was just like any other night club. Lame. We moved on from there quickly. 

Then we decided to go to the giant Ferris wheel called High Roller. 

It is HUGE. It goes like 550 some feet in the air. It takes like 20-30 minutes to go all the way around. You go in these huge pods with a group of people. 
The pods have floor to ceiling windows. It's really neat!!!

It was so fun! We had such a fun group in our pod. Two Asian ladies (literally told me they were from China) took our picture for us. Then after a minute she asked if she could get a picture with me. I said sure. She told me she wanted a picture of me so she could show her friends how beautiful I am. I felt so humbled. And it totally made my night! Thanks sweet lady! After this we walked around the strip some more and went to bed. 

The next day we went to a brunch buffet. It was literally the size of a football field. The food was so yummy!!! Then we went and spent some time at the pool again. And in the evening we saw Rod Stewart. 
After stopping for these adult milkshakes. I was totally creeped out by these ate first. Alcohol in a milkshake? But they are amazing!!!!
It was a really great show. He was an excellent performer and his voice sounded better live than on his cd. That is always fun to see a singer who is talented live! And he was just fun. He didn't take himself too seriously. 
After the concert we were so pooped that we just ate a quiet dinner and went to our hotel room. Man, I only have two strong nights of staying out late and being adventurous. By the third night we had run out of steam!
The cab ride back to the airport. Saying goodbye to Vegas. We had such a great time. It was nice to connect, relax and be adventurous together. We are already dreaming of our next kid free vacation!!!

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