
Saturday, January 31, 2015


Sometimes milestones are fun and exciting. Sometimes milestones are harder and it reminds you that you are moving to a new chapter of life and leaving another behind. That can be hard when you really loved the other chapter. 

Where am I going with this?

Max had his last ride in our infant carrier. We did some car seat shuffle this weekend and moved him to Colt's old convertible car seat (still rear facing so don't panic). 

I kind of bawled my eyes out once we had it all done. I didn't even see it coming. One minute I was talking with Dan the next I am sobbing. We are moving to a new chapter of life. One without infant car seats. And I am so sad. I really loved that chapter in my life and am crying as I wave goodbye to it. 

Max a week old in his car seat. 
Max almost 11 months old in his last ride. 


  1. I loved the baby faze too, but I might have jumped for joy when I handed over our infant carrier to our neighbors (only used with baby #4). Haha!
