
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 2

Day 2 of our trip started off a bit rocky. Max didn't have a good night and woke up at 6am clingy and cranky. He cried pretty much the whole time I was getting myself and the other kids dressed. 

We then walked to a Waffle House for breakfast. During the walk Max calmed down and the other kids did really well walking and listening so I was optimistic about having an enjoyable breakfast. Once we got there, Max started getting fussy and then just got grumpier and grumpier. I was hoping some food would help him because this boy loves to eat. I managed to convince him to eat a piece of toast and tried to shovel food in as fast as possible. Meanwhile Saffryn starts antagonizing Colt by touching him and gently kicking him under the table. In a super loud voice he says, "Stop I don't like that." Over. And over. And over. Saffryn thinks it's funny so she copies him. While I am trying to talk them out of this embarrassing cycle Max starts screaming. And I try to offer him more food which of course must look like poison because he then screams louder. Pierce and Colt then get into a shoving match and Colt almost manages to push Pierce out of the booth altogether. Embarrassing? Ummm ya. Lol. We were quite the breakfast companions. 

The waitresses were so sweet and tried to help the chaos by giving the kids hats. 
I tried to get is out of there as quickly as possible. I am guessing it wasn't quick enough for the people around us. Lol! Someday it won't be such a circus right?!?!

Then we went to this fun castle park to play. 
It was really neat. And completely empty. Bonus!

Max fell asleep for a bit. All was well...until Colt fell down and busted his lip. Poor baby. He got blood all over himself. Seriously not our morning. But we regrouped and had some fun!

After naps at the hotel we went back to the beach for some afternoon fun. 

Phew. What a day!

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