
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas Week

So after Pensacola we made it to our destination and spent the week with Dan's family. We had a fun week. Here are a ton of pictures:

He fell asleep while eating a lolly! Hahah!!!

Playing at the park

Christmas Eve take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Final take :)

I got the kids matching pjs for Christmas!
Us girls got matching jammies, too!
Aunt Becca and Max 
Uncle Mike and Colt!

Fun on the beach!

Great Grandparents with their newest addition. They were so happy to meet!

The kids got to ride on papa's boat! It was kind of cold and windy so Max and Colt didn't love it. Saffryn and Pierce however really did! 

We spotted dolphins on our ride. Pierce enjoyed seeing them. 
Pierce got to help papa drive the boat. It made him feel so special. He was literally glowing after that! Sweet boy!

All good things must come to an end. After a week of fun we headed back home. We decided to make our drive home in one day instead of breaking it up into two days. It was a last minute decision. We knew we would either have a hard day that day or a hard day the next day. So we just got ambitious and did our hard day. It was a 17 hour day. The kids were amazing! They are serious troopers and made a hard day very doable!

The kids did so unbielivably well on this trip. I was so proud of them. We traveled across the country, spent time around a lot of people and added present and toys and none of it fouled them up. They were so kind to each other and sweet to other people. They are such good kids!!!

And that is our holiday trip! 

Happy New Year!!!

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