
Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Only a month late...sheesh. Lol!

This year I needed to do something easy. No homemade costumes or super imaginative themed costumes either. I wasn't up for it. So instead I took the kids to Target and let them pick whatever they wanted. Pierce instantly picked a monkey costume. He would not be swayed by the super heroes, or any other costume. 

He really really loved this costume!

Colt saw and wanted Captian Amercia. He was adamant. Lol! The boys knew what they wanted!

When we got home and tried it on Colt very proudly says: "I so handsome!"

Saffryn had a harder time picking. Very time she picked one I would confirm that this was the costume she wanted and she would get cold feet and put it back and would try to find a better one. Lol. Finally we both decided she should go with the one she was initially interested in: Minnie Mouse. 

Max got tigger. 

The week leading up to Halloween Pierce wore his monkey costume EVERY DAY. He even wore it as pj's one night. Lol. It seriously cracked us up. 

On Halloween the kids got dressed up and we took some pictures. 

Max was NOT digging it. At all. Lol. 

We walked around our street. The kids had a blast. There were a few houses that really went all out on decorations and had a few scary ones. Saffryn was not phased in the slightest. She was too focused on the candy. Pierce was cautious but still went ahead. Colt got super scared. He his behind my legs and kept saying, "It cares me mommy. It willy carey." Lol. Poor baby. 

We came back and passed out candy and the kids had just as much fun doing that as trick or treating. It was so fun seeing the kids enjoy it this year. Pierce asks about Halloween a lot. A year wait seems too long for the monkey boy I guess. :)

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