
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Max is 3 months

Actually he is closer to 4 months but things got behind in our move. 

He wears 3-6 month clothing, size 2 diapers. He has blue eyes and redish blonde hair. Here is a picture showing how red it can look in the sun!

He has rolled over a few times but mostly just rolls to his side. He has found his hands and thumb but only sucks on them for a little bit. He smiles all the time and has had a few small giggles!

He is really a sweet baby. He loves to be held and is content when I am holding him. He can be very fussy and angry if I put him down for any length of time (which can be a bit frazzling). He is now starting to like watching the kids and has even smiled for them a few times. 

He is still exclusively breastfed. I have added soy and dairy back into my diet and he seems to be doing fine with it! I am so glad for both of our sakes. Maybe his tummy just needed a little time to mature since he was a bit early!

We have a big appt for him this week to discuss what is going on with his kidney. Will keep you updated when we know more!

Happy 3 months sweet boy!

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