
Friday, June 6, 2014


I am now fully convinced nobody loves kids more than their grandparents. I shouldn't be surprised really. When I think of my own grandparents I am immediately filled with warm fuzzy feelings. My time and memories I have with then are some of my most treasured. They always made me feel so loved, special, funny and important. I still get giddy when it's time to go visit my grandparents (I am a grown women and I still cry every time we leave. Ask Dan if you don't believe me). My grandparents are so dear to me. 

It is so fun to see my children grow those feelings and relationships with their grandparents. We are very lucky that both sets of our parents long to be a hands on part of our children's lives. It's fun to see them love my kids and think they are funny and special people. 

Which all brings me to the point of this post...we had special visitors come!!!

My dad and Deana came to see us! My kids were so excited to have them come! They were such great sports! They brought some new toys with them (including a slip n slide! FUN!!!) and spent the whole time playing and interacting with the kids. Here are some pictures. 

Grandpa Darren meeting baby Max!

They spent a lot of time making cards together!

Max loved sweet Deana!

Snuggling up to watch a movie. 

I love this picture!!! Playing together on the swings!

You can see how excited Max was! Play time!!!

I wish I would have gotten more pictures. 

Anyway, thanks for loving my children and creating special memories with them! If they are half as sappy as I am they will treasure you guys forever! :)

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