
Monday, May 26, 2014

Two Months

It is so hard to believe baby Max is two months old!!!

He weighs 11lbs 12oz. He has almost doubled his 6lb birth weight! Wow!!! He is  23 inches long. He is now in 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. He has lost a lot of his hair on the top of his head but still has some red locks in the back! His eyes are turning more blue everyday. 

He likes to sleep swaddled. He LOVES to be held and especially by his momma. He likes it quiet and calm. He likes to sleep in his pack n play in our room when it is dark and quiet. He just started liking me to talk and interact with him...and yes in a quiet and calm tone. Are you catching the pattern? Lol! 

He hates chaos. He does not like to be put down most of the time. He is indifferent to a pacifier and bottle, he neither likes not dislikes either of them. 

He is now starting to smile and coo. He is really, really sweet. He is a calm baby and seems very serious. He definitely has preferences and likes certain things (like being held, while standing, naturally). He is not sure what to think abut his siblings yet (though they are crazy about him!!!). 

He has greatly improved his sleeping! He has a very consistent bedtime of 8pm. He will sleep until at least 2am and sometimes 5am. It is great! He is holding his head up so well now. He is smiling and cooing and focusing his eyes on objects and people. 

He had a lot of tummy troubles early on. I had decided to cut dairy out and only saw a small change. After more reading and talking to other mommas I decided to cut out soy and bingo! His sleeping greatly improved, his disposition was more calm and relaxed and his diapers are much more normal now. I'm guessing it was more of an intolerance and not an allergy but who knows. For now I am soy and diary free but am considering trying to add dairy back soon to see if that was upsetting him. 

Anyway he is a love baby. We are all crazy about him. So thankful we get to have him in our life!!!

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