
Saturday, April 19, 2014

One month

It is so hard to believe this little
Nugget is already one month old! 

Here he is on a blanket that was made specially for him! Thank you Deana!!! 

Look how tiny he is!

He is still our little peanut! At 3 weeks he weighed 7lbs 6oz. 

He is a really sweet baby. He is a hold me baby, as we like to call it. He wants to be held constantly! Although the last week or so he will let us put him down for a bit as long as we are close or it is semi quiet!  That is one of the strange things about him...he likes quiet the best. I am baffled how he came like that considering he spent 9 months in utero surrounded by our noisy family. But when the kids start getting too loud or rambunctious he starts crying. Poor kid. Lol!

He hadn't been the world's greatest sleeper. It isn't like he had his days and nights confused but he only ever just slept for an hour or two at a time. He would wake up after an hour super squirmy and rooting around like he was hungry but he wouldn't eat. Then he would have a dirty diaper and fall back asleep. We started wondering if his tummy could be bothering him. His diapers are not quite what I would consider normal so off dairy again to see what happens. 

After a few days off of dairy completely I couldn't see any huge improvements though he did have a few nights of 3/4 hour stretches of sleep at night. Didn't think too much of it. Then last night we went out to dinner with some friends and my favorite thing has a bunch of dairy. I decided to just go ahead and splurge and eat a meal with dairy considering I hadn't seen that much of a difference. WRONG. We had a HORRIBLE night. He wouldn't sleep for any longer than an hour, was super squirmy again and just seemed in pain/uncomfortable. Maybe it was a coincidence but I am thinking going off dairy helped more than I even realized. So we are back on that train. 

He has dark blue eyes and I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but redish hair!!! Wonder if it will stay red?!?! Then we will have a assortment of hair color in our family! Lol!!!

He is a great eater and we haven't had any issues nursing which is just so wonderful!

Look at those tiny chicken legs!!! He is in newborn clothes still and we just transferred him to size 1 diapers, which are pretty big on him!

The kids all really love him! I think his biggest fan is Pierce. Anytime he cries Pierce will stop what he is doing and come over to try and soothe him. He loves and I mean LOVES to hold him. He just looks so proud when he does it too. A lot of times he calls Max "my baby". Unfortunately Max cannot reciprocate anything which is a bit discouraging to sweet Pierce. Lol. 

Max loves his momma and prefers to be held by me (yay!!!). He likes to be swaddled. He has the sweetest little cry. It sounds like a baby lamb! He has long fingers. People comment on them all the time! 

He is totally done with me writing this post! So happy one month little Max. You are truly "the greatest"!

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