
Friday, April 4, 2014

My First Sewing Project

I got a sewing machine for Christmas from my sister and her husband! This is my first project using it. Well technically it is my first sewing project by myself! I have had a few lessons with a friend making skirts for Saffryn. I thought the very best way to learn though is to do something myself. I had some fabric and decided to do a low stress project...a blanket for special bunny!!!

Saffryn was super excited and told me it would be a surprise for bunny so I couldn't say anything in front of her. Naturally. 

It was easier than I thought it would be. I learned a lot about fabrics and rethreading the machine. And after several hours of work we have:

A quilt and pillow for special bunny!!!

I know it's not perfect. I'm sure technically it is just a hot mess. But I love it. And special bunny doesn't seem to mind!

Can't wait to try more things! 

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