
Monday, March 3, 2014

One Point Five

Colt is eighteen months old!!! Can you believe that?

Here is what he is up to:

Language: just within the last few weeks his language has exploded! He is saying so many words. Our personal favorite is "truck" pronounced with an f instead of t. Heheh. He says milk, juice, mine, no, hug, minute, picture, Saffryn, mommy, daddy and doggy on a pretty regular basis. He repeats a lot of words that we say and seems to get more everyday. 

Movement: oh this boy is busy! He loves to climb any and everything. He can jump with both feet off of the ground. He runs and throws balls. He is just very very active. Today he climbed out of his crib...oh dear!

Favorites: he loves to read books. He loves trucks, dancing, and balls. He loves to be a big boy and do everything his siblings do. He has strong opinions and happily shares them (usually by screaming). He has recently started playing in the toilet. Again. I thought we were done with that. Sigh. 

Disposition: he is really sweet. He loves hugs and kisses and will ask for them. He loves to be held and cuddled. He is pretty easy going...until he doesn't get his way! Haha overall he is a happy boy!

Just a toddler tantrum! 

Dislikes: sharing, being told no, being left behind, things not coming easily to him, diaper changes and being cooped up inside. 

Size: He is wearing 2t clothes and is close to 30 lbs. He is now in size 6 diapers because he leaked out of size 5's every night. That got old. He has bright blue eyes and light brown hair. 

He is my sweet baby. My very busy and very ornery yet somehow super sweet and charming baby boy. 

1 comment:

  1. I love me some Mahoney babies!! LOVE watching them grow, just wish it was as your next door neighbor instead:)
