
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Baby Max

Well the last 24 hours have been a whirlwind and nothing like I planned or even wanted. 

Yesterday about 4pm I started having some contractions. They were mild and somewhat irregular. Between 9:30-11 they were consistent but still fairly mild. I didn't know if I should go into the hospital or if it was false labor. At midnight I started having some much stronger ones and they were consistently 2 minutes apart. I decided to go ahead and get checked at the hospital. My sweet mother in law rushed over to take care of the kids. 

On my appt Friday morning I was dilated to a 1 and baby was head down and low in my pelvis. The doctor said it could be anytime. On Saturday night when I first got there they checked me and said I was between a 2/3 and about 20-30% effaced. They would watch me for an hour and see if I made any progress to determine if I was actually in labor. 

After an hour they checked and said I was still a 2-3 but was now like 60% effaced. I asked if I could stay another hour because I was having strong and steady contractions. She agreed and another hour went by. Around 3:30 she checked me and said I was now a 3-4 and about 70% effaced. Pretty slow progress but some progress was being made. But while she was checking me she said she didn't feel the head like she should. She said it felt like a spine. So she called a resident and they would be there at 4am to do a sono and determine our course of action. 

The resident came at 4:20 and did the sono. The baby was breech! What?!?! During the sono he started flipping around and became transverse. Then he went back to breech. This is not a good sign because even if they could flip him no telling if he would stay flipped. They once again checked me and I was dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced while continuing to contract every 2 minutes. I was in active labor and a c section was happening. Like in an hour. 

I tried to stay calm. I did NOT want to have a c section. In fact I was planning on going natural this time and this is pretty much the exact opposite. But I knew I was in labor and I didn't want to try and risk a breech birth or worse have him transverse! 

So I started prepping at 5. They got me hooked up to an iv with antibiotics (I tested positive for gbs) and some saline. I got wheeled back into the or and had my epidural/spinal placed. And let me tell you that was the best epidural I ever had. It did not hurt at all and the anstesialogist was so fast. About 6am they started the surgery and at 6:10am Max Steven Mahoney was born! Hearing his cries were so amazing! He had a strong voice. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him and snuggle him up!!!

He was 6lbs 8oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He was born at 37 weeks. He has blonde hair!!! Oh he is adorable!!!

We got back to the room shortly after 7 and he seemed to be doing fine. A little bit later though he started having labored breathing. His oxygen saturation levels kept falling below 85 and he was grunting with every breath. The doctors tried to give him some time to adjust but he just couldn't bounce back. 

The pediatrician came in and explained that he needed some extra help for his lungs. She thought that he had some fluid in there that didn't get expelled during his c section birth. They also wanted to make sure he doesn't have an infection or develop pneumonia. The best thing right now was to take him to the NICU and give him some things to help him breathe. 

I knew that was the best answer for him but the thought of him being taken away BROKE my heart. I just cried and cried. The NICU team came and got him and Dan went with him. It was so sad. I was still completely numb and getting treatment myself so I couldn't go back and see him. My sweet baby boy. 

That was a rough couple of hours. Finally I got situated in a new room and got some food in me. That helped quite a bit. Dan got to go back several times with him and got to see how he was doing. Finally about 2:45 I was able to move my legs enough to get in a wheelchair to go visit my sweet baby Max. 

He looks really good. His color is so much better now and his breathing is more peaceful and quiet. All of his other stats look really good which is a very positive sign! He was totally wiped out from this morning so it is best for him to rest. Right now he is getting nutrition from his IV since he can't mouth feed with the oxygen mask Cpap on. 

The plan right now is to keep him on oxygen overnight to give him a nice long break. Tomorrow morning they are going to again try to let him breath on his own. If he does and does it well we can try nursing. Once he is successful in breathing and eating we can go home. 

I am doing ok. Emotionally I am feeling a bit better. Sad still but not a sobbing mess. Physically I am doing ok. C sections are much harder than vaginal deliveries and I am not even done being numb. I can only imagine how sore I will feel tomorrow. 

Oh what a long and exhausting 24 hours this has been. If you think of us please say a prayer for Max. I would love for him to be with me and for us to go home. 

I will try and update again soon!

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