
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gender Reveal

Today was the big day!!!! We had our 20 week sono this morning! I just LOVE having a little sneak peak at our growing baby!

Look at that sweet profile. Oh sweet little life!

A baby BOY!!!! 3 in a row!!!!

People have asked us what we would have preferred. And I think we were slightly leaning towards girl. Mostly because we had a girl named picked out that we loved! But you know what I am completely overcome with joy for another little boy!

The sonographer has got to be one of the sweetest people ever! She has actually done the sonogram for the last few babies and she remembered us!!! When we had got everything all measured she gave us a big surprise and turned on the 3D sonogram!!!

It was the most special thing!!! I mean look at him! I could not be happier he is on the way!

We caught him yawning!!!

OH I am so in love with him already!!!!

As soon as we decide on a name I will let you know! No more secrets. They are just getting too hard to keep! hahah :)

What a happy day! Thank you God for the gift of life. My heart is overflowing!

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