
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Colt's First K-State Game

You will notice that there are no pictures in this blog. I so meant to get pictures of Colt and one of all of us together. So why didn't I get any pictures? Because I spent the entire time chasing, holding or feeding Colt. Haha!

During the tailgate he managed to run away from us in any direction. He would grab a little food then take off. Or he would grab something to drink, spill it everywhere then take off.

We made it into the stadium and he loved the pregame show. It was Harley day and he thought that was pretty cool. Side note: someone proposed while riding their Harley around the stadium. It was so sweet and fun! Anyway Colt loved the music playing, clapping along with everyone and watching all the happenings.

The game started and he thought that was B-O-R-I-N-G! He then tried so hard to wiggle down and away from me so we went up to the top. Well I did. With all 3. I decided to get us some snacks only to find my wallet not in my purse. 30 minutes later found it in my car. Sheesh!

After some snacks and run away from mom time we went down to our seats again. Once again he loved halftime but once the game was back on he was really done. This time Dan kept the big kids and I just took him. That was much easier on me and Colt got to wander to his hearts content.

Needless to say when I got home I collapsed on the bed! We had fun but boy oh boy does Colt know how to keep busy :)  

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