
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Spoken gems

Pierce: "Holy mokes!"


Me: Saffryn what do you want to be when you grow up?
S: "I want to be a climber girl!!!"
Me: "Pierce what do you want to be?"
P: "I clima girl too!!!
S very emphatically "You mean boy??? You want to be a climber boy?"
P: "oooh. Ya"


During a bath
S: "Pierce you say naked booty, then I will shoot you with water."
P: "Nakey booby"
S shoots him with water and they both laugh hysterically. Repeat. Several times.


Me: "Pierce are you momma's boy?"
P: "No"
Me: "Daddy's boy?"
P: "No"
M: "Saffryn's boy?"
P: "No"
M: "Colt's boy?"
P with a big smile on his face "Ya!!!"

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