
Thursday, July 18, 2013


I love that my kids each have their own personality! They are so unique. The fun thing is I can look back at my pregnancies and deliveries and see their unique personality shining through.

Getting pregnant with her was very much planned and thought out. Her pregnancy was text book. I had slight morning sickness that passed after the first trimester, super easy second trimester and the usual complaints of the third trimester. Her delivery was also pretty text book. She was born "sunny side up". She was so aware and strong. I am convinced she came out that way because she didn't want to miss anything!

And that is my girl! She is by the book. She is my rule follower. She is thoughtful and plans everything out. She doesn't want to miss a thing. Ever. She is a perfectionist and strives for more! And she has been since before she was born!

Our attitude in getting pregnant with Pierce was, "lets see what happens". We were pretty laid back about it. My pregnancy with Pierce was very emotional and uncomfortable. I went into labor on my own with him and it was a long and slow labor. He came out wanting to be held and snuggled by his momma. He was our cuddle bug.

And that is SO Pierce! He is pretty laid back about some things but has strong emotions about others! He does things his way and on his own time. His long labor is a perfect example of just doing it in his own time. He is such a momma's boy even now. He loves to be held and cuddled and just loved.

Colt's pregnancy was a big surprise to us! My pregnancy with him was by far the easiest and yet the most dramatic. I felt great the whole time! He was breech and somehow flipped without me knowing it! My delivery with him was VERY dramatic! He was such an easy, calm and happy newborn.

And that is my littlest boy! He is so easy, yet somehow the center of attention. He has a flare for the dramatic. He is so busy but so gentle and calm about it. He is a show stopper and always has been!

It is so fun for me to see who God has created my children to be from the beginning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Such a cute post!! I love seeing the differences in our kiddos too and how it shapes them into the little people that they are! : )
