
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Water Play and Pulling Up

We had another nice day so we pulled some toys outside! For something new we brought out our pretend kitchen things and a bucket of water. They loved "cooking".

Stirring her soup!

Bucket of water.

Don't you just love his outfit?!? I tried talking him out of it...but he INSISTED on wearing his rain boots!

Oh the little monkey!

While they were busy doing this Colt had a project of his own...

Trying to pull up.

Getting close!



He did it over and over again! He is going to be running before I know it!

Anyway this is an activity we will definitely repeat. It was easy to set up and was just different enough the kids wanted to dive in and explore. The clean up was easy and they so enjoyed pretending! It was a blast!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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