
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sleep Over

Dan and I decided to have a sleep over with the big kids (as we lovingly call Saffryn and Pierce). We rented a movie...Wreck It Ralph...and went downstairs. We set up blankets and pillows for our beds.

And made popcorn!

Yes those are m&ms. Learned this trick from a friend and it is oh so good!

The movie was really cute! Saffryn watched and understood the hole thing! Pierce started playing with toys towards the end. Hehe. After the movie we had the kids lie down and turned on some cartoons while we rubbed their backs. Pierce fell asleep in minutes. I started to doze off, too. Saffryn was having a hard time. By midnight she was still wide awake watching cartoons o obviously those had to go. She so badly wanted to all sleep together but she was just too wound up to sleep. I gave up and went upstairs to our comfy bed. I know...what a lame mom. Haha. Dan stayed down there and toughed it out. Saffryn had a rough night of waking on and off. Poor Dan and Pierce.

When I got up in the morning here is what I found:

Haha!!! Dan was asleep on the couch. We had 2 tired and cranky kids all day. So next time we will just have a movie night, then everyone can go to sleep in their own beds!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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