
Friday, April 19, 2013

Some of Colt

I have been very behind in blogging recently. There has just been a lot going on. One of which was Dan working nights for the last 6 weeks. It was pretty rough on all of us. But he is back to a normal schedule so I am hoping to have more energy to blog and keep up with random things around the house!

Anyway I have a ton of pics to share so I decided to break them up mostly by child and debrief a bit.

So without further ado...Colt!

The little goofball hates puréed baby food but apparently enjoys actual solid foods. We gave him some rice at a restaurant and he couldn't have been happier and totally chowed down! So I guess we are skipping purées with him and going straight for the good stuff!

He is SO happy!

A boy and his dog:

Look at that gut! Hahah

Just a little rocking:

He is SO much fun!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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