
Friday, April 5, 2013

Go Bananas

I have started feeding Colt bananas this week. He is only slightly interested. While I was feeding him this evening one of the "big" kids needed something so I sat his bowl of bananas down. Not thinking obviously. When I turned back around he had the bowl and contents all over. I forgot just how far he can reach and how coordinated he is now. Oops!

And obviously quite proud of himself!

Oh that boy!


Intently studying his bananas.

And if you know me, you know that instead of cleaning it up right away I let him have a sensory experience! It was already a why not?!?! And who knows, maybe this will help him be more interested in solid foods!

And just as a side note he learned to scream today. I guess it was only a matter of time. The one thing I absolutely dislike is screaming...and all 3 of my children have perfected it. Lol! Good thing they are so darn adorable!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE those big, expressive eyes! What a cutie!! You are always so good at turning everything in to a positive experience, Tylie. I am so impressed!
