
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spoken Gem

Saffryn: "Mom, what is dad's name?"
Me: "D-a-n, Dan"
Saffryn: "And yours?"
Me: "Tylie, T-y-l-i-e"
S: "Pierce?"
Me: "P-i-e-r-c-e"
S: "Mine is S-a-f-f-r-y-n."
Me: "Yup! Good job!"
S: "We forgot Colt!!!"
Me: "C-o-l-t"
S: very excitedly "Yay!!! Colt has a name!!!"
Me: Burst out laughing "Of course he has a name! Everyone has a name!"
S: Very seriously "Yea...even bunny." You know special bunny.
Me: "Bunny, B-u-n-n-y."
S: "Mom it is S-a-f-f-r-y-n. Like me. We share a name. Did you know that?"
Me: Trying to keep a straight face. "Nope. Did not know that."
Apparently satisfied with the conversation she walks away. Only to stop and turn back and say, "Oh he has a B, too."

Okay crazy girl! Hahahah!!! Love her :)

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