
Friday, December 21, 2012

Spoken Gems

Spoken gems with random pictures

Colt was getting a bit fussy while I was folding laundry so I asked Saffryn if she would play with him. So she goes over to him.
S: "Here chickee chickee chickee. Here chickee chickee chickee."
Colt gets a big smile on his face
S: "MOM he is smiling!!! He likes it when I talk to him.

As we were leaving our house there was a group of mom's talking at the bus stop right by our house. Saffryn looks at them, then looks back at me.
S: "You are the biggest momma."

I was singing a made up song about our kids. It was to the tune of where is thumb kin.
Me: "I love Saffryn, I love Saffryn. Yes I do. Yes I do. I love my little Saffryn I love my little Saffryn. Yes I do. Yes I do. Okay now it is Pierce's turn. I love my Pierce"
Pierce cuts me off saying, "Colt! Colt!!!"
Me: "You want me to sing about how much I love Colt?"
P: "Huh ho" translation uh huh
Such a sweet boy!

Pierce comes up to me saying, "Up momma up."
Me: "Buddy I cannot pick you up right now. Maybe you could ask your daddy."
Saffryn: "Come here Piercey. I will pick you up. I am so strong."
Pierce takes one look at her and takes off running.
Saffryn chases him saying, "Come here boy. I will pick you up. I am so strong."
She catches up to him grabs his waist and tries to pick him up. They both fall over and laugh!

Pierce was screaming trying to push my buttons and I let out an exasperated sigh.
Saffryn takes Pierce's hands and leads him to his room and says, "Pierce, I need to have a talk with you." They get to his room.
S: "It's not okay to yell at people. You don't talk to people like that. Okay buddy?"
P: "huh ho."
Saffryn gives him a hug and they both walk out and play nicely. LOL!

Learning to cough into their elbows!

Silly kiddos!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. these are adorable!! love it! And the pics of crash and Saffryn are super cute too!

  2. Crack me up!! Little miss is going to be a teacher just like you!! What a great example you are!!

  3. I love the brother/sister interactions!! We have literally experienced the exact same "Up Momma" and "Have a talk with you..." Scenarios! I love watching them relate to each other and use what they see from us! They are lucky to have such a great momma to learn from! : ) I hope you have a wonderful Christmas & New Year! : )

  4. I love watching your kiddos grow up through your pictures and your posts. I really wish we were able to get together more. Something tells me I'd laugh hysterically every time we did!

  5. Thanks for updating us on your wonderful family! Praise the Lord for His many blessings to you! Love you, girl!

