
Monday, November 19, 2012

In The Moment

It can be really hard for me to live "in the moment." Especially when the moments look like this:

-another sick and cranky kid in our house.

-this room was spotless less than 24 hours ago. Sigh

But even in "those" moments if I stop for just a second I can see a sweet moment.

-kids sharing and loving each other.

Or I can find a sweet face.

So now I will take a deep breath and thank God for new days and special kids!

Here's to trying to live in each moment with my kids!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I love this post! And it is a great reminder to me too :)

  2. I love this for multiple reasons! 1) Those precious kiddos of yours! 2) It's such a great reminder for me to also enjoy each moment with my littles. 3) It gives me peace knowing that even the "mom that's got it all together" has a messy house sometimes! :) Thanks for being so honest about your life!

    Sorry that you guys just can't catch a break. Praying those sickies leave quickly.

    Seriously, leave the mess. It makes me feel better about deciding to catch up on blog stuff instead of cleaning! :)
