
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spoken Gems

While playing outside
Me: "Saffryn show me how fast you can run! Run to that tree!!!"
S: "umm maybe in a minute. I'm kinda outta shape."

A few minutes later after running to the tree
S: putting her hand on her side pretending to breath heavy, "I'm a bad shape momma. I'm a bad shape."


Colt was sleeping in his carseat when we got home from running errands so I kept him in it and put it on the living room floor. After a bit he started to stir.
S: "Momma he is waking up!!!"
She runs to him. Puts her face right up next to his and says,
"Merry Christmas Colt!!!"

After getting everyone dressed for the day
S: "Mom, now we are the dressed family!"

After begging me to go on a walk all day we went for an afternoon walk. After several tantrums during the walk...
Me: "fun walk" (might have been a tad sarcastic...I know that is terrible but sometimes we have to add a tiny bit of humor into our day to stay sane)
S: in the most whiny voice imaginable, "NO. This was a BAD walk."
Me: laughing, "why?"
S: whiny voice continues "Because I is being difficult."
Me: laughing even more. "Okay now you know the problem so fix it!" Not sure how that comment was going to go over.
S: normal voice, "okay momma".
Finishes our walk without another tantrum. Lol...what?!?!

I was cleaning the kitchen while the kiddos are playing in the living room,
S: yelling to me from living room, "Mom what is this black thing?"
Me: "I don't know!"
S: still yelling, "Mom really what is it?"
Me: "I don't know. Is it plastic?"
S: "Mom you better come see this black thing."
Me: "really? Can I finish cleaning? Can you bring it to me?"
S: "MOM! Come see this black thing."
Me: "okay okay."
Walks into living room to find Crash had an accident on the floor. So glad she didn't bring it to me! Hahaha!!!

1 comment:

  1. funny funny girl! These convos are hilarious and i think it is fun to remember those silly conversations forever.
