
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Respond Take 2

While on a date with your husband, how exactly do you respond to the waiter VERY enthusiastically congratulating you on your pregnancy (7 weeks AFTER you have given birth)???

Do you run out of the restaurant crying? No, but I sure felt like doing that. Do you gently (or not so gently) correct him? Well I probably should have done that. But I was too embarrassed! I would then have to live with the very awkward realization that he has said out loud that my stomach is less than desirable. Do you order 2 croutons and some water then run 5 miles? Ha! I was no. Instead I mumbled a "thanks" with my head down and silently begged him not to ask any more questions and look around for a big hole to crawl into. I then realize I can't order the alcoholic drinks I was planning to. The first ones in almost a year...darn! I mean I could have but I didn't want to answer anymore awful questions. Gah!!!

So the moral of the story is: NEVER ASSUME A WOMAN IS PREGNANT!!!

It is not a real confidence booster if you are in fact NOT pregnant.

The worst part (besides no longer being able to even pretend to impress your husband) was the guy was so nice. He was so sincere and friendly. How can you be angry with someone so nice? can't. And somehow that makes me feel worse and even more embarrassed.

So that my friends is what having 3 under 3 looks like. I will be kicking off my new work out routine TODAY!!! Haha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Ugh. So sorry you had to deal with that :( But I'm positive the part about not even being able to pretend to impress Dan is not true!

  2. That sucks! And I'm certain this guy was clueless because I'm positive you do not look pregnant! I hate it when people do that.

  3. Awww that is a mood buster for sure and makes me sad for you. I never lost all my weight after Hollis and I always feel so ugly. But I am here to tell you that I think you are gorgeous, no seriously!! If I had your looks I would be happy. Not to mention your sweet heart, that makes you even more beautiful! I mean this from my heart, I am not just trying to cheer you up!! LOVE and HUGS!! I am going to email you soon, I need to talk to you, be on pins and needles--hee hee

  4. I know the 3 under 3 feeling, it stinks. Although I think some of it just has to do with how you are pregnant, like #2 for me really stretched things out and changed my body (a lot!) but #3 put a few, only a few things, back in place. We will see what happens after #4. :) I'm sorry that happened, especially on a date :(

  5. That stinks!! Not at all the way you want a date to go. I agree with your other commenters. You look great!
