
Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 4

Woke up feeling very tired. Saffryn and Colt were both still sleeping...if only Pierce was too...
Point for kids

Today was our first scheduled outing. We had MOPS at 9 am. So while S and C slept I got a bowl of dry cereal and put Pierce on the bathroom floor so I could get a quick shower. He made a huge mess I will later have to clean. Sigh
Point for kids

Somehow managed to get all of us dressed, diapered/potty, feed and to the church at 9:05!!! I was only 5 min late.
Point for Mom!

Came home from a fun MOPS meeting and fed Colt. Then got lunch ready for the rest of us. Lunch and naps seems to be the hardest time of day for us. But we all ate and Colt was happy in the high chair! Tie, slightly leaning in my favor...

Got S and P down for naps and got a little snuggle time with Colt and got to read and pray for a few minutes. Point for mom!

Saffryn and Colt wake up and I then clean up lunch and the living room and bathroom...remember cereal incident... Point for kids

I do 3...that's right 3 loads of laundry! Yeah!!! Go me!
Point for Mom!

Had an iTunes gift card from my mom and down loaded a few new albums. Just the pick me up I needed! Thanks Mom!
Point for me (kind of a freebie but whatever...)

Realized I have been forgetting to take my prenatals and baby aspirin this week. How easy it is for things to fall through the cracks
Point for kids

Had a friend come over with her adorable baby girl. Pierce woke up and my 3 kids played quietly and let me have a conversation. This like NEVER happens!
Point for mom!

Said friends' husband brings over pizza for our dinner. We are so spoiled!!!
Point for friends!!! (Jessie you are seriously racking up!)

After dinner Dan took S and P to the store to get milk and juice. That left me with a quiet house! Until Colt woke up and wanted to eat. Lol. Thanks Dan!
Point for Dan and momma!

Dan put "big" kids to bed so I could get some rest. Big kids had trouble and I didn't get to rest.
Point for kids

Busy day! My new theme...BUSY!

So thankful for all of my friends who have been so helpful. THANK YOU. No doubt that has helped this week be a success for me!

Mom 6
Kids 5

I love winning...hehe

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. This is my first year not doing MOPs...which one do you go to? Glad you enjoyed it, it was very refreshing for me when I did it!

    Glad you are winning still...I just can't imagine.
