
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NYC Day 2

Day 2 of our girls trip!
We woke up and ate a good breakfast at the hotel. We then took our first cab of the trip to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Can I just say....WOW! I wasn't sure what to expect at all. But the place is HUGE! Every gallery is just full of amazing pieces and is so so big. I do not consider myself someone who appreciates art to its fullest and I still loved this place. We did a one hour basic tour which just touched on a few highlights and that was really nice! I would recommend doing that to get a very basic look at the museum. They have so many different galleries that range from modern to 100 b.c. They have paintings, sculptors, jewelry, instruments...and the list goes on. I would consider this place a must see! We spent all morning there and just barely scratched the surface!

The front of the museum.

Waiting for our tour to start.

Marble sculpture.

Meredith and I


4 girls!

You can get an idea of the scale of the museum! HUGE!
After the museum (and lunch) we split up and Becca and Abbie went shopping and Meredith, Karen and I went to Ground Zero. We took another cab to get over there and saw more of the city. At one point I saw The Brooklyn Bridge in the background with a small baseball field being used by a little league in front of it. It felt so picturesque!!! Well when we got to the site it was packed full of people in a line. As we made our way to the line we saw signs mentioning having a "visitor pass". Well we didn't have a visitor pass and had no idea what they were talking about. Oops. After talking to one of the workers we learned that they are now working on the new towers. The new towers sit right next to the memorial the fact that they are on a construction site means they have to limit how many people can be on the site at one time. To control and count the people they are giving out free tickets that tell you what time you can get in line for the memorial. We were there at 1:30 and the next time slot was at 4. Which didn't give us enough time to get back and ready for our dinner/evening plans so we couldn't stay. They did however have a memorial site in a building a few blocks away. It was nice. They had a whole section of memorial for the families and people affected. They had the plans for the memorial and towers. It was very very humbling to be there. I can't imagine what the city and all those who were there had to experience. I am truly sorry for them all.

Meredith and I in front of The Freedom Tower.

Karen and I in front of it.
After we spent some time at the memorial we took a cab to Saks 5th Ave. Just looked around for a bit and went to the hotel to freshen up. We then went to dinner in the Theatre District at a Cuban Restaurant called Victors Cafe. Yummy! We then went to the show Wicked!!!! It was so funny and the performers are so talented!

Dressed up and ready for dinner!

At dinner!

Karen, Becca and Meredith at the show!

Abbie and I at the show!

My 22 week photo in front of Mamma Mia at Times Square!
We walked back to the hotel and ordered desserts and relaxed! What a long and super fun day!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. You look gorgeous! Glad you liked Wicked, it's my favorite! Looks like you ladies had a great time. What a wonderful girls trip!

  2. I agree with look great!!
