
Thursday, March 1, 2012


A few things:

1). First and foremost my best friend Terri ( had their baby girl today!!!!! I have spent the morning praising God for her safe arrival! I so wish we lived in the same city so I could smother them all day! I cannot wait to meet her!

2). While at Walmart getting dog food for Crash (oh all right, I might have snuck a few bags of Easter candy in the cart) the cashier asks me how old Pierce is. I say 10 months. She says, "and it looks like you are expecting another one?!?!" Welp I guess I am officially showing now! Bring on baby 3!!!

3). After Walmart we went to the mall with my Mother-in-Law also known as Gigi to pick out Easter outfits for the kids! That along with the warm weather made it really feels like spring today! I LOVE spring time.

4). Pierce has had 4 teeth push through in the last week! That brings the grand total up to 5 teeth. What a big boy!!,

5). Toddlers can be such a difficult bunch. Recently when I have asked Saffryn to do something, like for example get in her carseat, she ignores or disobeys me. I give her a warning and say she can either do it herself or I will do it for her. She will then continue to ignore me so I follow through and put her in her carseat. Then she throws a HUGE tantrum and screams I wanna do it! Well then you should have done it! It is so hard following through and choosing my battles.

6). Although tantrums have been occurring Saffryn is so fun and smart. I have a post coming with all kinds of hilarious stories about don't want to miss it!

7). I found the most awesome 5k race yesterday. I will wait to tell you more when we have officially signed up for it. It would be a few months after baby 3 comes and it is out of town so we are trying to figure out the logistics...but trust me when I say it is THE coolest thing! It makes me excited to get into shape after baby comes!

8). Tomorrow Dan and I have a date night planned! We are both looking forward to spending time with each other. I love that even after almost 5 years of marriage we are still crazy about each other. He is awesome!

What a good day!
I will leave you with the lyrics of Saffryn's favorite song: "This is the day, this is the day that The Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!!!"

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