
Monday, March 26, 2012

Boy or Girl

So I am now a little over 16 weeks! I am not very happy with this picture because the flowers camoflauge my growing tummy! Somehow this outfit just doesnt translate well into a I will have Dan take another one soon :)

So we are 2 weeks away from finding out if baby 3 is a boy or girl! You can help us vote...look on my sidebar and let us know what you think it is going to be!

I think its a girl. My skin is horrid (just like when I was pregnant with Saffryn), my cravings are sweet (just like with my pregnancy with Saffryn) and I seem to be gaining weight all over and not just my tummy (you guessed it just like with Saffryn). However to throw a wrench in that I have been SUPER emotional..which didn't happen with either pregnancy. And I have had a dream it was a who knows!!!

I am feeling pretty good...just really tired still. I think I have finally realized and have come to terms with the fact I will probably not get my energy back during my pregnancy. Chasing 2 kids around all day while being pregnant is pretty tiring :)

Like I said my skin is so bad...its more like a teenager going through puberty and not at all like a glowing mother to be...BOO!

I MAY be feeling movement these days...but it could just be gas. LOL. I am really bad and being able to tell the difference at this early stage. I know I should know, this is the 3rd go around. But when I feel the little tiny bubble I think, "Was that above or below my belly button?" and I just cant remember or tell. LOL. My gut is telling me some of those bubbles are baby moving...I hope I'm right :)

Well thas all for now. Please vote on a boy or girl and look forward to another pic soon :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Hmm, I guess girl. I'd been having trouble with my face (not for the same reasons...) and I got "Dr. Woods Shea Vision Pure Black Soap with Organic Shea Butter Description" from and it's been working great! It took about a month to fully kick in, but my skin's the best it's been in a few years. And, it's way less expensive per oz than just about any other face wash. And, if you don't end up liking it, you can use it as a body wash, a natural cleaner, or even laundry detergent!

    p.s. You are a super cute pregnant lady!

  2. I vote, maybe girl. I have no idea!!! But, I'm super excited for you to find out and let us all know!!! :)

  3. the outfit looked cute in person though! :D
