
Friday, February 24, 2012

12 Weeks

I can't believe I am almost done with my first trimester! This pregnancy is flying by. Could be that i am very busy chasing 2 kids around...

I had my Dr. appt today. I have only gained one pound the last 5 weeks! Yay great My blood pressure looks great and the heartbeat was in the 160's. My next appt is on April 5th and we will have our sonogram that day! I can't believe it. Sometimes I think is this really happening??? I just can't seem to wrap my brain around having a newborn in 6 months. Maybe that's why it is going so fast!

I have been feeling pretty good. I never really got any morning sickness this time (though i have been pretty lucky with all my pregnancies. Saffryn was the worst and it was manageable). I got hit with extreme fatigue around week 7/8. But this week I am feeling good. I am actually starting to feel like my "old" self again.

I have been having some strong cravings for cookies and candy. Like so strong I am having dreams about eating/buying them. Several times I could have sworn I smelled fresh baked cookies only to realize the only person capable of making them in our household is me and I most certainly had not made any.

Another interesting symptom (if you will) this pregnancy is my emotions. I am not a huge cryer. But with this pregnancy I am on the verge of sobbing constantly...over nothing! This really didn't happen with my other ones. I guess this is what it feels like to be a normal girl! Haha

My skin this pregnancy has been crummy. It was like this with Saffryn so maybe it means another girl?!?!

Well that's all I can think of so far. Looking forward to the second trimester! Here is a picture of my 12 th week!