
Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This past weekend we were at one of our friends' daughter's 2nd birthday party. (Not sure if I said that right)..anyway...while we were there I talked with my friends' mom (so that would be the little girls grandma...sheesh confusing).

Ok....let me get to the point. The last time she saw me was at the party last year and I was pregnant with little Pierce then. Here is our conversation:

Her: "So how is life with two?"
Me: "Harder than I was expecting!"
Her: "I remember! I always tell people 1 plus 1 does not equal 2.It is somehow more work than that."
Me: "Ahhh so true!!!! But really it is fun and it is getting easier all the time."
Her: "You know I had 2 girls and I always wish I had more."
Me: "REALLY?!?!"
Her: "Yes!!!! When the girls were young I didn't think that. I was so busy and it was a lot of work. But I have since always wished I had more. You will never regret having more children."

These precious words have really stuck with me this week. She is so right! You will never look back at your kids and wish you didn't have them. It may be work while they are little, but they are so beyond worth it.  I know she doesn't read this but I just wanted to say "Thanks for such great wisdom and for such a sweet and honest heart!!!!" I will carry these words with me for a while!

1 comment:

  1. Such great thoughts. For some reason I feel like I could have 4 kids, but I'm pretty sure once I actually have a kid I might just feel crazy busy and say no more! We'll see what happens though!
