
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Special Drinks

Dan and I have always loved getting drinks. We stop at fast food places, gas stations, etc just to get a drink of some kind. This love of drinks has been transferred to Saffryn. We call them, "Special Drinks."

Some of our stops include:
Sonic for a limeade or slush of some kind
Braums for a milkshake
Starbucks for a strawberries 'n' cream frap
Quicktrip for a lemonade or sometimes a sprite...I know I know judge judge judge...yikes!

It has been so fun to get to share this with her. One of my best friends encouraged me to try hot chocolate with her. She does with her son and he really enjoys it. It is kind of a tricky drink. You have to make sure it is hot enough to stay hot chocolate, but cool enough so she can gulp it down :) I am so glad we get to add this on the list of special drinks we can go out and get!!!

I am excited for Pierce to get old enough to enjoy this tradition with us. I hope he loves it as much as we do! I know one day they will realize "Special Drinks" are just regular drinks that you get at the store. I also hope they realize that the special part about it is getting them and enjoying them together!

Getting "Special Drinks" is one of my favorite things to do as a family!


  1. So fun - we do this too! We even call them Special Drinks. It's fun to hear little Mae ask for a 'pecial dink' when we go somewhere :)

  2. so cute! kyle and i are guilty of stopping at the gas station to get a drink and of course sonic all the time! i wonder how much money we could save ;) ha! love you guys are starting this as tradition!
    ps- love the hot chocolate mustache :)

  3. Yay! I love that you guys have your 'special drinks'! And I love that she loves hot chocolate! So cute!

  4. My mom used to get us special drinks all the time as a kid. She still does sometimes if I'm out shopping with it!
